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1000 watt hps ballast w/ Magnum xxxl hood


I have a 1000 watt hps hortilux blue bulb , good for at least1500hrs,it comes a large magnum xxxl hood and glass has 6" ducts(w 20` used ducting if u wat it))-also has a 1000w hps budget ballast--also have the can 6" scrubber(obv shld get a new filter) and 6" inline Can fan.w/alternating power supply to control speed. all in good shape and we can plugall in to check it out--perfect for preparing garden veggies or various flowers plants for ouside/inside use- shop lights -paint booth etc .came w/used 4 season /green house kit. I have no use for it-looks like barely used--325 seemsless than half new--thanks I will post some pics later today.

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3681 Days ago

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1000 watt hps ballast w/ Magnum xxxl hood
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