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Grow equitment


I have some indoor growing equitment I would like to sell. Since it is used electronic equitment I figure 1/2 price is a fair deal. I took really good care of everything and it all looks and works great. I have a clean house and have never dropped or banged anything. Probably the best deal you will find for these items.
1000W Lumatek dimable ballast. Almost brand new ran for only about 84hrs works perfectly, have cords and box. $120
8" Active Air inline fan w/ mounting brackets, speed controller and box. This has been used for a few grows, but still runs quiet as when I first bought it, dust free and works perfectly. $70
6" Active Air inline fan. Included speed controller, mounting brackets and box. Quiet and dust free. $60
Magnum XXXL reflector. One badass reflector. Clean no dings...may have box? $110
400W Wellthink Ballast including cords and box. Used for a few grows, but still working perfectly. $80 Will throw in cheap batwing reflector for free.
Light Rail 3.5 w/ 6ft railing, brackets and box for motor. I really like this if you have never used one I would seriously think about trying them out. Outside there is dawn, dusk and cloudy days, but this will give you side branching and fat tops like multiple lights. $75
I am going back to school and scaling back a bit so that is why I am trying to sell this all for cheap. For medical patients or horticultural enthusiasts. Thanks.

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3687 Days ago

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